I write everything in pencil…I change my mind too much!

Minority Report and Free Will

Free Will… We all have it, don't we?  Some of us get up in the morning, shower, and then go to work.  Others get up, feed their kids, clean the house, and cook dinner.  And others get up and do absolutely nothing all day.  WE make these choices for ourselves for the most part.  Obviously, if a teenager wanted to do nothing all day, this would (hopefully!) be intervened by a parent.  Because of our parents, we learn that there are things we HAVE to do to thrive besides eat and sleep.  Although we do have free will, it's almost as if it is instilled in our minds that we have to act a certain way and do certain things in order to please ourselves and others.    

In Minority Report, we apparently do not have the free will to think about committing a  murder. (Not that I have a problem with this!)  But to arrest someone for a murder they haven't committed yet raises a lot of questions.  What if he/she changes their mind?  What if someone fantasizes about murdering people but doesn't actually do it?  How would we know if someone would actually be murdered in this case?  Just a thought…

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    Posted 8 years, 1 month ago

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